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Indra 140 days Trade story.
        Industry hit Indra became slow down at some places and in that places Indra is lifted surprisingly In Nizam and Nellore there is  no 150 days center for Indra. Main cause of this is  in Nizam Indra has screened 36 50s and 16 100s. In Hyd Indra screened 9 centers for 50 days. after that Indra became down at Nizam. At Sudhrashan theater Indra has collected 1 crore gross in just 94 days. But there Indra lifted after 135 days. We dont have tradition of draging thats why Indra  has lost some centers with good shares also. In Nellore Indra has highest gross till now but unfortunately there also Indra was lifted after 130 days. In nellore becaue of Cylcone Indra became slow down after that Indra has not recovered. At Utter Andhra people expected 6 or 7 jubilees as per collections at first but some dramatic conditions restricted Indra Jubilee centers to only 2. In west also Indra expected 5 jubilees but now running in only 3 centers. Some  distributors are not gave good run to Indra with good share also fans became very unhappy about this. Because of unseason and winter affected on Indra night shows thats why Indra not running with big collection it is just running with 30 to 40% collections. But in same time some hit movies also running with same amounts compare to those Indra running is so great. But at Ceded Krishna Guntur and East Godhavari has strong collections for Indra. There is no movie ran with this collections and with this centers after releasing in nearly 300 theaters and having 150+ 50s and nearly 120 100s. Happy news is at Every place Indra running with theater record and town record that is the stamina of Megastar
Indra 110 days Trade story
         Indra after 100 days also going well. Indra presently running more than 60 theaters(110th day). We are estimating we can get 50 centers for 125 days. Indra became slow on Nellore area because of heavy rains. In Kavali Indra screening 114 days in Spandana theater (Previous highest is Kushi 103 days). Only Nellore area Indra collections are little bit down but in Utter andhra Ceded East west krishna Indra still creating waves. In Kakinada and Vijayawada Indra still(110days) going with all shows housefulls. In Eluru Indra ran 101 days with 4 shows housefulls.  In Eluru Indra going to silver Jubilee,
Indra collected nearly 40 lakhs till now on Eluru. In west Indra released in 9 centers all centers completed 100 days and presently running in 8 centers. In Krishna Vijayawada got nearly 80 lakhs gross in 109 days. In Vizag Indra reached 65 lakhs gross on 109 days. In Guntur area Indra creating history on collections. In 100 days Guntur distict collected 1,96,22,211 it is ultimate record in this area presently Guntur area have 2 crores share. In Guntur city Naz Indra reaching 50 lakhs gross in very soon.In East Rajahmundry reaching 40 lakhs gross and Kakinada still going with 4 shows housefulls. All these collections shares give No 1 place to Indra movie after 100 days also.
More news follows in soon.
Indra 90 days Trade story
 Indra reaching 100 days in great style. Great thing is Indra not running with out dificts (90+ days also) in almost all areas. Indra movie crowds became little bit slow between 50-60 days in some areas because of some reasons. That time some sites and anti elements shouted with big mouth "Indra is not going to reach any records" But suddenly from 60th day all over andhra Indra raised like a strom. All these days in costal to ceded Utter andhra to Nizam Indra has broken all records. Suprising thing was Megastar movie ran with maximum collections in 12th 13th weeks also. In Eluru Indra running towards 100 days with all shows housefulls Indra getting 36 lakhs gross by that time. In Vizag Indra will get 60 lakshs by the time of 100 days with all shows housefulls. Kakinada Vijayawada Gazuwaka also going to 100 days with all shows fulls. In Hyderabad Sudharshan Indra got 1 crore gross on Monday. on this month 31st is Indra 100th day. In all over Andhra Megafans going to celebrate this event in Mega style. All andhra have one diwali but Megafans going to celebrate Double diwali with Indra success.
Indra has broken a theater record at Sai balaji a.c. dts with 77 days housefulls.
Yester day is the 77th day in this same theater Samara simha reddy have 76 days fulls in previous. Fans put garlands on Housefull board and fired many fire crockers. There is a big hungama at theater yesterday night. Eluru expecting 100 days fulls. Already in Eluru first day 27 shows 112 shows on first week 15 shows on 14 days screened. Even also Indra going with still fulls. Cheers to Megafans.
Eluru Kanchukota of Megabrothers on Costal area (some records)
Mrugaraju Became flop but in West it has ran all centers to 50 days (9 centers) Megafans not experts in draging so the movie lifted in Eluru at 51 days
with 10,50,000 share (Record flop movie share)
Kushi Became 154 days housefulls unbeatble state record with 28 days 5 shows and 14 days 6 shows.
Daddy : On tough time also Daddy ran 100 days on Eluru with good share.
now the trend going on.....
Flash Trade report of Indra after 70 days.
Indra collections are increased in many centers from
10 to 15% Yes it is true.There is no equal hit movies with Indra and other big
movies (many one said those will cross Indra records)  blasted at box office. And a contest of Indra Tide attarcting visitors to theaters thats why Indra
collections are again increased. At Eluru 70th day (yesterday) police done lati charge to controle the crowd in same complex another big movie (7th day) also playing. Surprisingly Indra also became housefull same time with that movie that too 70th day.  Indra is going strong in all areas. In Nizam indra
collections are little bit slow but  indra did not  running with deficits. In ceded East Guntur Utter andhra Nellore Krishna and West Indra running well
with good collections. After 70 days also Indra not touched deficts anywhere. Indra running towards 100 days in 110 centers. I will give more updates in very soon...
Special trade report of Indra....
Indra going reaching 70 days mark with stedy collections. In all over andhra Indra running with 60-70% collections in major areas and 50- 60%
collections in some areas. Vijaywada Kakinada Vizag Gazuwaka Eluru still going with all shows housefulls. On Eluru Indra has screened 360+ shows till now every show became housefull.On Eluru Indra going to beat Previous theater record of Samara simha reddy (73daysfulls). Cine pandits expecting these all 5 areas will  run 100 days with all shows fulls. Indra expecting 110
100 days centers all over Andhra (our site is the first one published this figure in earlier). Some unconfirmed news saying Indra will ran Jubiee in 35+
centers. But we have to wait some time to confiramation of Jubilees But presently Indra running with possitive collections.
Indra Main theater Jyothi 34 days 4 shows worthfulls with Advance which is a new record In terms of Advance booking.Previous Record (Kushi 28 days).and In Jyothi 58 days 4 shows DCR Fulls.Surpassing the Previous
record of StudentNo1 Theatre record(52 days fulls).And Indra is going to beat the Previous Fulls record of NN 137 days 3 shows DCr fulls .It will run atleast  for 140 days 3 shows Fulls.Guarantee.Definetly it will run for 175 days.Gajuwaka it will run for minimum 80 days 4 shows full by breaking Previous record of Santhosham.and it will run 100 days in URVASI and
SUKANYA in City 4 Uttarandhra Gajuwaka also if everything goes well we may get 100 days fulls.
(This report by our Vizag Mega Fan Mr Satish)

Indra Trade story after 50 days.
                    Indra collected 1 crore 25 lakhs share on west for 50 days It is an out standing record till now at west godavari.  Only Kushi and Narasimha
naidu has this mark that too in total run. But Indra has collected 1 crore 25 lakhs share in just 50 days. This figure became a big issue on trade circle But
Nothing surprise to Megafans because all know the Power of Megastar. On west all centers going 100 days mark in Megastyle. On Eluru Indra screened 300+ till now every show became housefull with 112 shows state record of first week and 27 shows on first day. Indra collected more than 20 lakhs share at Eluru till now.
                On Krishna Indra going very well  Indra collections are awesome especially vijaywada apsara  Gudivada Bandar going with still fulls.
Vijaywada Apsara expecting 100+ days still fulls.There is a chance to 1 crore gross in this theater.Trade circle saying on this 3 centers Indra will run silver
jubilee. Vyuuru also has superb shares and it is also in Jubilee race.
                 On Guntur Indra going in Megastyle.
Indra collected record shares already in this district Now it is adding some good amount to that record share.    
            On Nizam Indra present shares are not huge to compare with rest of Andhra. Indra going with 60% collection on Nizam. There is no histroy at Nizam Faction movies has great run. one of the Industry hit faction movie just have 15 50 days centers on this area. But Indra have 36 50s in this area and trade circle expecting 16-20 100 days centers on Nizam. It is big difference between other films and Indra. The statement is wrong Indra not going well on Nizam. It has alredy reached records destination. Only Kushi have more share than Indra till now. Indra now going to cross that share also.                  Ceded  On every town from ceded has a town record and theater record with Indra.  Indra created miracles at ceded. Indra ran 50 days in 38 centers of ceded and expecting 35+ 100 days centers on ceded it is an out standing record.
      Utter andhra: On utter andhra Indra running very well Indra have 19 direct 50 days centers here. Still going very strong in this area.
       East Godavari: Indra running very strong in
this area. Rajamundry Amalapuram centers going very
strong especailly Kakinada Padma priya  becoming still
fulls and maintaining big crowds like as first 3
         Nellore: Nellore has 9 centers all this
centers are going to 100 days mark like as west going
to all centers towards 100s.
Note:  Indra has broked all previous records alredy
and it is going to beat previous industry record 100
days centers in a great style.
Note: Some fans asked Madana palle shares of Indra
check out these... First day share is 3,76,000 (Town
First week share is 8,90,000 (Town record)
6 weeks share is 18,00,000+ (till Town record)
(dont miss it check out till end of this list 50 days
special update)
Indra has reached nearly 30 crores mark in just 50
days. Indra statnds as a biggest Industry hit till now
in 76 years telugu cine filed. Indra is breaked all
previous records in all fileds like gross collections
with a great punch. Indra has alredy beated every
previous movie jubilee share with just 5,6 weeks
How Indra beating previous records ....(6th week
shares of Indra)

1:Anathapuram 30,55,000 Previous record (Kushi
29,50,000 for 153 days)
2:Hindupuram  14,35,000 Previous record(NN 11,52,000
for 119 days)
3:Kadiri      13,75,000 Previous record(Osey ramulamma
10,76,000 for 151 days)
4:Tadipatri   16,00,000 Previous record(NN 11,60,000
for 126 days)
5:Guntakal    11,00,000 Previous record(NN 10,25,000
for 100 days)
6:Darmavaram  15,20,000 Previous record(NN 12,20,000
for 100 days)
7:Penugonda    9,00,000 Previous record(NN 3,40,000
for 67 days)
8:Gutti        7,00,000 Previous record(A film just
have 1,50,000 Indra have ulitmate share)
9:Ballari     17,00,000 Previous record( Kushi in
total run share 21,90,000)
10: Hospet     7,60,000 Previous record( Kushi
6,25,000 for 77 days)
11:Tirupahti  28,06,000 Previous record( Kushi
33,00,000 for 100 days)
12:Chittur    12,50,000 Previous record( Kushi
13,55,000(119 days) Nuvve kavali 13,33,000(190 days)
13:Madanapalli18,00,000 Previous record(Kushi
21,65,000 (105 days)
14:Srikalahasti 11,00,000 Previous record(Kushi
12,00,000(100 days))
15:Palamaneru    7,20,000
16:Cudappah     28,50,000 Previous record(Kushi
26,14,000 105 days)
17:Rajampeta     7,50,000 Previous record(Kushi
18:Rayachoti     9,30,000 Previous record(NN 5,50,000)
19:Railwyakoduru 9,00,000 Previous record(Kushi
20:Proddutor    19,70,000 Previous record(NN 19,25,000
in 119 days) 
21:Gudivada     22,00,000 Previous record( Kushi
18,50,000 in 120 days NN 16,50,000 in 175 days)
22:Palakollu    19,60,000 Previous record(In this town
no movie has 10 lakhs share in long run also  till
23:Eluru       19,50,000 (will reach in 50 days
present 47 days all shows fulls Theater record and 112
shows in first week State record on first day 27 shows
state record)
24:Kakinada    20,59,000  (Town record)
25:Amalapuram  11,86,000  (Town record)
26:Tatipaka     8,13,000  (Town record)
27:Rajamundry  17,42,000  (Town record)
28:Mandapeta   10,85,000  (Town record)
29:Tuni         8,90,000  (Town record)
30:Kothapeta    5,03,000  (Town record)
31:Ongloe      18,20,000  (Town record)
32:Tenali      12,05,000  (Town record)
33:Cheerala    10,30,000  (Town record)
34:Mangalagiri  9,80,000  (Town record)
35:Repalle      8,25,000  (Town record)
36:Vinukonda    6,75,000  (Town record)
37:Chilakalooripeta 9,75,000 (Town record)
38:Machalra     5,75,000  (Town record)
39:Ponnur       7,20,000  (Town record)
40:Bobbili      10,26,000 (Town record)
41:Karnool      23,33,000 (Town record)
42:Adoni        26,40,000 (Town record)
43:Nandyala     19,30,000 (Town record)
44:Kuppam        5,35,000 (Town record)
45:Mogaltoor     8,00,000 (Town record) 5 weeks
46:Chintalapoodi 5,59,000 (Town record) 5 weeks
47:Jangareddy gudem 9,69,085 (Town record) 5 weeks
48:Tanuku        13,17,000 (Town record)
49:Bhimavaram    13,75,000 (Town record)
50:Nidadhavolu    7,97,614 (Town record) 5 weeks

Note: Some of areas till now town records.(going to
beat previous records)  And rest of areas already
beated previous movie records.
Hope all of you enjoyed with my hardwork. Ur
encouragement is my strength pls sign in Guest Book if
u want to mail me click it  to special detials
pls check out all 156 days centers of Indra 50 days at
Indra special
********Trade report and Hawa of Indra all over
Indra creating waves in every place In Nizam indra
collected more than 7 crores share and going to beat
previous industry hit Kushi . Only Indra and Kushi
have biggest shares in Nizam. No other films have 36
50 days centers till now in Nizam and this is Nizam
area record.(Industry Hit Narasimha naidu have only 16
centers of 50 days)It is clearly showing the range of
Indra on nizam.
          On ceded Indra is first film celebrating 38
50 days centers on Nizam.(previous Narasimha Naidu
celebrated 29 100s there confirmed news is Indra going
to 35+ 100s on ceded with record breaking shares.)
             On Eluru Vijayawada  Tenali Bandar
Kakinada Rajamandry Vizag Kancharla palem Gazuwaka
Indra going with still fulls. On Vijaywada Some
confirmed news saying Indra going towards 125+ days
full at Apsara and expecting 1 crore gross also. In
Eluru Indra will run 100 days with still fulls.
(already On Eluru Indra created state records
screening 112 shows on first week and 27 shows on
first day) Eluru will reach 20 lakhs share in next

Indra going to create 30 crores in 50 days. most of
centers  Indra have town district records in shares
fulls gross and every issue. No one can reach this
records in coming soon days. Indra stand as a biggest
industry hit with present gross and shares now the 50
days centers also added. No one can touch the shadow
of Megarecords. ( I had previously told about all
records in first day of Indra release now that words
came true Enjoy the happy moment)

all time Indra records
1: On Eluru indra screened 27 shows on first day. and
112 shows on first week. (crossed Previous records
Narasimha Naidu with 11 extra shows) This is an all
time state record.In Eluru 4 weeks Indra collected
12,08,000 share it is a all time record of Eluru with
all shows housefulls(14 days with 5 shows)
2: In Palakollu Indra collected 10 lakhs shares. it is
all time record share. (There is no other film have
not collected 5 lakshs share also in first week)Indra
beated Narasimaha Naidu(previous highest) 100 days
share with 4 weeks share of Indra (16,20,000)It is an
all time record.
3: Indra collected 19 laks share on Tirupathi for 2
weeks it is an all time record of Tirupathi
4: Indra crossed 100 days previous highest share in
Bobbili with 3 weeks share of Indra
5: on Kakinada Indra collected 17 lakhs share this is
all time distict record.
6: On Guntur distict Previous block buster Narasimha
Naidu collected 1 crore share for 50 days But Indra
collected 1 crore 70 lakhs for just only 3 weeks this
is an all time amazing record.
7: On Anantha puram Indra collected 15 lakhs share on
first week this is an all time record.
8: In Poddutoor (Cudaph dt) Indra collected 14 lakhs
50 thousand share this is an all time town record.
9: On Cudaph Indra collected 26 lakhs on 25 days
crossing all previous records with a huge margin.
These are some more records. I have given many records
before. I added these also now. But we are getting
only some but every where Indra creating all time

(Karnatka report)
*On Banglore city in 16 theaters Indra screened 308
shows on first week and became all time Karnatka
record.(all shows housefulls)
* On Movieland theater Indra become all 28 shows
housefulls and and 51 shows became housefulls in 15
days. This is all time 25 years record
* KRpuram venkateswara dts all shows housefull.(afer
starting this theater this is all time record)
*Kshatiguppa Eswari dts all 21 shows full on first
*In Anjani mini at chintamani all 29 shows became
housefulls on 1st week. Here expecting 100 days run.
* In Gouribidanoor at Sankar all 29 shows fulls with
this Indra created all time record.
* At Chikbllapur in Vani Indra became all 29 shows
full and expecting 70 days run here.
* In Mulabagilu Radhik a.c Indra became all shows
housefulls in first week.
In Karnataka Indra is expecting  50 days in 14 centers
and 100 days in 7 or 8 centers.


Town and District records of Indra
Indra collected for 3 weeks in Guntur district for 12
centers 1 crore 70 lakhs share All time amazing
Distrcit record.
In Mangalagiri Indra collected 8,74,000share it is all
Time town record.
In Piduguralla Indra collected 7,20,524 share it is
all time Town record
In ongole Indra collected 15 lakhs share for 26 days
as all time Town record
In Cheerala Indra collected 8,81,000 share as all time
Town record.

On Tirupathi Indra became 26 days fulls and beated the
previous record. In Madna palle chitroor Indra created
all time town records.

Indra collected more than 70 lakhs share for 28 days
on west. This is also All time District record. On
first week Indra screend 112 shows as state record and
27 shows on first day as state record.

Almost every place Indra created all time records.And
going still strong it will beat all previous record
just with 50 days share..........

Special Trade report of  Indra as Megastar Birth day
special. Collections and all ares business report.
Indra 25 days gross.
Guntur   Naz delux     13,04,800
Guntur   Hariharamahal 10,04,014
Ongole   Sreenivas     11,75,879
Repalle  Basaveswara    7,22,028
Tenali   Priya delux    7,89,284
Chirala  Bhavani        9,98,239
Vinukonda Aruna         6,69,302
Piduguralla Aswani      7,66,455
Vijyawada  Apsara       20,57,848(still all shows
Vijayawada Priyadarsani 11,67,040 (for 20 days)
Gunadala   Ramgopal      4,25,226
One town   Sowmya        8,02,316
Kanoor     Vijayalakhsmi 7,74,907
    Krishna Kishore      7,24,760(still all shows
Ongole    Sridevi       17,78,916(for 26 days)
What is the Present status of Industry hit Indra Indra will  5 crores gross on Utter andrha 2 crores share in East godavari 1 crore 70 lakhs share in west godavari 1 crore 70 lakhs in krishna 2 crores share in Guntur. In Nizam and Ceded it will collect some amazing shares(It will cross previous shares with a huge margin) Totally Indra will collect 35 to 40 crores gross and 28 to 30 crores share. Indra will run 50 days in 140+150+ centers. Indra will run 100 days in more than 120 centers. A movie magazine saying as per present situation Indra will run minimum 50 jubilees. On vizag Indra screened 480 shows(include Gazuwaka) on 26 days collected 49,39,490. The suprising news is all 480 shows become housefull. In Bobbil previous record share is 6,50,000 Indra crossed the share just in 20
days. In utter andhra Indra going very speedfulls. Hyd Nellore Vizag Guntur Vijaywada Eluru Machilipatnam Gudivada Rajamundry Kakinada Tirupathi Indra movie creating waves with huge crowds. Indra screened more than 200 shows in Eluru in Just 25 days(all shows become housefull) On Jyothi vizag 24,360 people watched Indra for 28 shows. In Sangam 27,412 Raj kalmal 25,575 In Sri rama 25,032 in Sankara 20,188 In Mohini 29,176 In Gazuwaka Sri kanya 24,976 people watched the Indra movie. Indra screened 235 shows on first week here 2,15,350 people are watched.   (Dont Miss Tommarow specials)
Karnataka Records of Megastar........
Place          Picture       Theaters          Days
1:Sivamogga   Staterowdy    Mallikarjuana a.c  300
days +(m.shows)
2:Gowri       Mutamestri    Abilasha a.c        80
days 4shows
3:Sidlagatta Gharana mogudu Venkateswara a.c    70
days 4shows
4:Sidlagatta S.P Parasurao  Vijayalakshmi a.c   56
days 4shows
5:Sidlagatta Hitler         Vijayalakshmi a.c   63
days 4shows
6:Chintamani Mutamestri     Anjani a.c          56
days 4shows
7:Hubli      Gharanamogudu  Sangith 70m.m      265
days 4shows
                          (still all time record) 
8.Mysore     Mutamestri    Sangam a.c dts       56
days 4shows

Staterowdy movie screend in Sivamogga first 5 weeks
with 3 shows and later 300 days mornig shows STATE

Gharan Mogudu Screend in Hublie 265 days with 4 shows
still this is also unbeatable ALL TIME STATE
RECORD(any Kannada movie also not have this record)

Picture              Theater           Days
1: Intlo Ramayya   Prabath a.c         50 days 3shows
Veedhilo Krishnayya
2: State rowdy     Kapali a.c         100 days
(m.shows)(still all time record)
3: Mutamestri      6 theaters direct 50 days 2
theaters 93 days
1 theater 117 days  still Unbreakble record of
Bangloore city...
4. Gharana mogudu  Santhosh a.c dts    105 days
housefulls(all time record of stillfulls)
5.Mechanic alludu  Santhosh a.c dts   49 days 4shows
50 days(
6:Pasivadi Pranam  Megestic           42 days 4shows
7:Yamuduki mogudu  Movieland a.c dts  49 days 4shows
8:JVAS             Movieland a.c dts  49 days 4shows
9:Gangleader       Megestic  a/c      42 days 4shows
10:Rowdialludu     Movieland a.c      42 days 4shows
11:Alluda majaka   Aparna    a.c dts  70 days
4shows(Still alltime record)
12:Rikshawvodu     Megestic  a.c      56 days 4shows
13:Bavagaru.....   Megestic  a.c      63 days 4shows
14:Sneham kosam    Movieland a.c dts  63 days
15:Annayya         Movieland a.c dts  70 days
16:Daddy           Megestic  a.c      56 days
17:Khaidhi no 786  Megestic  a.c      42 days
18:ChattanikiKallu levu. Minarwa   a.c      56 day
This List is about only some of records Check out for
some recent records and Industry hit Indra records in
very soon. this is the stamina of Bangloore and
Karnataka record of Megastar Even Kannda films are not
breaked our Megastar records. That is the example or
Kannda people love On our South Indian Lion.......

3rd week Trade report of Indra
Indra going strong after 3 weeks also. In many places Indra become housefull before two hours of the show time. In some places like Eluru to face the crowd of August 15th Management screened extra shows.On Vijaywada and Eluru fans expecting 100 and 75 days worth housefulls for Indra movie. Some areas collections:
Nellore             Narthaki 13,54,750
Vizag               Jyothi   13,46,268
Vizag               Gokul     6,72,704
Kancharle palem     Uravasi   8,36,052
Gazuwaka           Laxmikanth 6,94,344
Gopalapatnam        Sukanya   4,84,806
Anakapalli       Satyanaryana 6,97,116
2 weeks shares
Indra Creating waves in all over andhra in heavy rains and cyclone also. Indra still maintaining crowds at theaters.
Guntur: 79 lakhs 62 thousand 161 rupees share
Guntur Naaz         5,77,780
Guntur Saraswathi  2,32,110
Guntur Hariharamha l2,32,110
Guntur Naazapsara    14,474
Tenali Priya          3,53,585
Tenali Sri priya     1,21,770
Tenali Vedha        2,46,081
Ongole              10,01,167
Narsarap peta       6,72,691
Chilakaloori peta   6,20,831
Repalle             4,11,504
Macharla            4,05,929
Piduguralla         5,55,339
Mangalagiri         7,00,000
Vinukonda           4,14,752
Cheerala            6,67,853
Krishna area
Indra collected 57 lakhs 60 thousand share
Vijaywada  Apsara       7,97,276
Vijaywada  Priyadarsani 6,01,822
Vijaywada  Sowmya       3,69,981
Gunadala   Ramgopal     3,54,071
Kanur      Vijayalakhsmi3,36,733
Kankipadu               4,16,676
Machilipatnam           1,83,000
Machilipatnam              6,999
Gudivada                11,80,396
Jaggayya peta             3,82,137
Tiruvoor                  4,05,723
Vyuoor                    3,76,190
East godavari share is 48 lakhs 84 thousand       West godzvari share is 46 lakhs 61 thousand 976 On Eluru first 14 days screened 147 shows.
Vizag  district 70 lakhs share
Jyothi 14 days gross 8,97,512
Gokul  14 days gross 5,88,616
Nellore distict share 47,40,171
In nellore Ist week become all shows house fulls in 4
theaters in second week 2 theaters collected 23,59,084
Narthaki 9,03,168
Madhav   6,60,016
Kaveri 7 days 4,01,324
Vramana7 days 3,94,576
Nizam Nizam collected 3 crores 25 lakhs share
Indra become 14 days fulls on Eluru with 5 shows.
On Vijaywada S.P ordered give tickets to Indra in
advance at 7 am at mornings till 50 days.
Distributors talk after 1st week of Indra

Nizam:  A famous film magazine (Number one) has published that Indra has collected 3 crores on 7 days. But as per Geetha arts information Indra has collected  2 crores 25 lakhs share  what every it may be  It is 1 crore extra than previous share.On all areas of Nizam becoming speed fulls.No one can cross this record in near future .

Ceded: On ceded VMC Doraswami Raju said Indra creating all time records on every center they have released. In many centers Indra crossed the 100 days share of
some superhit films with first week share. Vizag sairam films Suresh said Indra released 19
centers on utter andhra all centers becoming heavy crowd fulls It is collected 40 lakhs share. Indra will collect 1 crore share in just with in 3 weeks. Generally sankranthi season
films will collect more shares But indra in unseason and that too heavy rains also creating record braking  Shares Some centers like Kothavalasa Indra braked
previous 100 days record shares.

Krishna and Guntur: Viajayanthi pictures.Vishnu said on behalf of Vy   movies Some one calling us from Mumbai Banglore Madras Trivendram also please give tickets to their relatives living in this districts(obligations) This is very strange. In Krishna Indra collected 32 lakhs 80 thousand share this is all time record of krishna and in Guntur
Indra collected 53 lakhs 50 thousand it is also all time record. This records owned by Indra only for Indra

West Usha pictures
L.V.R said Indra collecting record shares which we have never seen in past or heared Indra running in all centers towards silver jubilee on first week indra collected 32 lakhs 80 thousand 771 rupees share this is the fist time on west and this is the best.On Eluru
sai balaji 1st week we have screened 112 shows with 8,83,547,00 share.

East Challa sankarao said Indra collected an all time record of 31 lakhs 6 thousand share Only Megastar and dutt will get this type of shares.

NelloreSubba reddy told Indra collected 32 lakhs share Indra is become the Simhapuri no 1 with amazing shares  U.S: on U.S Also Indra creating waves on shows and
collections also. Indra collections on some places
Nellore 15,77,432:00
Kavali   3,40,000:00
Gudur    3,25,000:00
Darsi    2,20,000:00
Podili   2,20,000:00
Sullurpeta 3,30,000:00(shares)
7 days gross report
Rajamundry Swami      2,82,604:00
Rajamundry Ashoka     2,69,486:00
Rajamundry Sivajyothi 2,00,200:00
Kakinada   Padmapriya 3,08,336:00
Kakinada   Sripriya   2,44,446:00
Kakinada   Swapna     3,28,804:00
Amalapuram Viramana   2,07,788:00
Amalapuram Ramamahal  1,90,550:00
Mandapeta  Rajaratnam 1,82,350:00
Mandapeta Sapthagiri  1,83,960:00
Pitapuram Satya       1,49,656:00
Pitapuram Srirama     1,99,325:00
Tatipaka  Venaktewara 2,46,211:00
Kothapeta Laxminarayana1,18,981:00
KOthapeta Srisatya       82,815
Tuni      Rama          1,69,680:00
Tuni     Veeraju        1,60,449:00
Bobbili  Srilakhmi      2,90,000:00
Palasa   Harisankar     2,22,393:00
Vizag   Jyothi          4,48,756:00
Gazuwaka Laxmikanth     2,31,448:00
Vizag    Gokul          2,94,308:00
Kancharapalem Orvashi   2,78,684:00
Sreenivas Report after 1st week:
Indra is still going strong second week also heavy crowds in all centers. Many places still screening extra shows (on Eluru daily screening 5 shows) Megastar proved once again his stamina at box office.It is already beated many records of previous blockbusters Kushi and Narasimha naidu in all places. Indra is created all time record of 10 crores gross ( all over andhra,karnatka and all other places)  on first week. Every place Indra created all time record share and gross. It is looking like a poori jagannath radha yatra an imp news follows same place please visit again for
the interesting news.

Proud be a Megafan