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 Official announcement : (7-7-2003) Every Megafan enjoyed our site nearly 2 years. We are officially closed this site from Today. Thx for great support of every Megafan till today. and dont worry in visit our MEGA BROTHERS issues at and visit for all movies news (both are running with my contributions thank you) any time our fans can mail me at and

Dont worry Megafans
Tiger will strike again

Johnny direct 50 days centers list Powerstar Special

Flash Flash: Powerstar and Fans Dharna at D.C Office Powerstar Special check all details and photos

Condemn yellow journalism on Powerstar with your vote Powerstar Special


Exclusive news :click it What's Next


Gangothri has collected 2 crores share on 9 days with only "70" prints Lover boy Arjun

Johnny audio sales 10 lakhs. Powerstar Special
Indra ran 247 days in Adoni.  Indra special


Gangothri Talk Average  but collections??? check out figuresLover boy Arjun

Gangothri report and havoc with review and photos check out Lover boy Arjun


Flash Flash : Johnny audio sales broken previous Indra record sales on day 1 check out with Audio review and photo Powerstar Special


Johnny posters havoc check out Powerstar Special

Astrologer words about Johnny Gossips


Mega blood dontation camp held yesterday at Hyd. check out CCT

  Dubai for half-price "special news from Megastar speach at Nijam audio function in Sharjah by our sharjah Megafan at Sreenivas Special


Johnny targeted to Indra records?? Powerstar Special

Why Johnny audio has postponed?? Spot news


Anji Johnny Gangothri updates and Future films details with great news on Spot news

Megafans celebrations of Indian victory on pak Spot news

Much waited Megastar Anji on May 9th 2003 Spot news

Imp Notice check out at Contact Me


300 theaters and 10 crores share on first week?? estimations of  Johnny with prints details at Powerstar Special

1 crore in 3 theaters rare record by Megastar Indra Sreenivas Special


Gangothri audio records sales check out Lover boy Arjun  

Megastar as Tagore?? Spot news 

Gangothri audio review  check out at Lover boy Arjun

Megastar helped fans who injured on Indra function  CCT   

Indra 200 days special at Sreenivas Special  (Congrats to Megafans on 200th day of Indra)

Megastar Indra 1st week share scaned proofs at Indra shares

Powerstar new film opening shot details and photos  Powerstar Special 

Great chance to fans.Give your suggestions to Megastar ramana Suggestions to Ramana Team

Usha pictures won the Jhony rights on West Spot news 

Indra has crossed 125 100 days centers at Indra special
A Salute to Netaji Subash chandrabose (Jan 23rd Bose Birthday) check out Contact Me
 Megastar world record check out  Mega records

Jhony rights on west 1 crore 27 lakhs??? Gossips

Very Imp note to all our visitors Contact Me (Dont miss it)
Megastar Silver Jubilee year gift "Ramana" a small interview on Sreenivas Special

Indra share 45 crores (with proofs) and how many places indra running with dificts??  Indra shares
Jhony audio rights 1 crore 36 lakhs and Hot details about "Ramana" at  Sreenivas Special

Pawan charged "5 crores" for Jhony?? Gossips

Another Industry record of INDRA with 35 175s  Sreenivas Special
Megastar roaring records of Vijayawada Mega records
Megastar as roaring lion check pictureIndra records

Jhony business Nellore 1 crore 10 lakhs west 1 crore 30 lakhs 8 crores in nizam?? Powerstar Special
Why Chiru did not won awards these days? (counter) & Special "counter " strated from today for anti propaganda on Megabrothers Sreenivas Special (specially for Megafans)
Indra 140 days Trade storyIndra records 

Flash Update: Indra 150 days centers Quick List Indra Records proofs Indra is lifting with good shares also because of some distributors Sreenivas Special

Chiranjeevi  Blood Bank won award from Andhra Govt. Spot news 
Flash News: Jhony 2 crores 10 lakhs on Utter Andhra and releasing with 23 prints. Powerstar Special
Special Update :: 100 days shares of Indra with 60 amazing records from Every area of Andhra Indra Records proofs Indra special(East West Krishna Utter andhra Nellore Nizam and Ceded shares and records as Very special update Only for Our site Visitors) 
Allu Arjun rejected 1 crore remunaration?? Gossips

Confirmed Details about Power star "Jhony" from "Geeta arts"Powerstar Special (special update for our site visitors)
144 section on Indra 100 days celebrations? special report of 100 days  hungama all over andhra Spot news
Indra Success story as 100 days special at Sreenivas Special

25 lakhs Fire crackers Anna danam and rallys for Indra 100 days Spot news

"Lions will roar they won't bark" Challenge Records of Indra from East West Ceded Krishna Guntur Utter andhra and Karnataka  Indra special(Mega update for our site visitors check with out fail)

Legal Notice:
what i discussed in this site i.e. what i knew from mouth to mouth and what i listened. If they are far away from the truth i am not responcible for that.