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Dubai for Half-Price

    Hi friends One of our fan from Sharjah sent this article about Megastar craze on sharjah our Megafanclub special thx to him. check this.

It happend to see chiru on 13 th(thursday) in Sharjah Cricket Stadium. The Crowd was very very large in number and was more than expectations. Actually it was a Audio Cassette Release function of Teja film Nijam. The entire show was a huge hit becoz of Chiru's Presence to grace that occasion.During his speach Chiru told a small incident took place on 13th morning. (Bellow words from Megastar speach)

Today Morning, since i got some time, i and my Bombay friend Mr. LaKhotia together went to do some shopping in Dubai. In a Show Room Mr. LaKhotia liked a Watch which is of 8000 Dhs (slightly more than Rs. 1.00 Lac). The sales man at the shop identified me(chiru) and told to us that he could give it at 50% Discount saying Some times for a promotion we give 50% discount. Though now there is no promotional sale, i 'm considering you(chiru) and willing to give you the discount.

Mr. Lakhotia was very happy bocoz he saved 4000 Dhs just becoz of Chiru's Presence. And a similar incident took place even While purchasing a Pair of Shoe by Mr. Lakhotia. It seems the sales man at that shop also identified and gave a special discount.

Mr. Lakhotia was so happy and told to Megastar that we can buy ENITIRE DUBAI FOR HALF-PRICE PROVIDED CHIRU IS WITH HIM.

After quoting this incidence Chiru told Mr. Lakhotia felt happy becoz he was able to save some Money. where as i 'm happy after seeing the so much love from your people.............thats is the sence from Megastar speach hope you have enjoyed it. More fastest updates with First hand information about Megabrothers please stay tuned to our site.Join at Fan club sign your comments at Guest Book  Please discus about this issue with our co Megafans at no registeration to post just enter any username password as your wish.


1 crore in 3 theaters rare record by Megastar Indra

Indra has a rare record in account. No Telugu movie has collected 1 crore gross on 3 theaters till now. But Indra has collected 1 crore gross on 3 theaters. So Just in 3 theaters Indra has collected 3 crores. That is the stamina of Megastar. The theaters: 1: Hyd Sudharshan 2: Vijayawada Apsara 3: Banglore Movie land.(Yeah out side Andhra also Indra has collected 1 crore in single theater) Andhra or Karnatka Megastar box office stamina is awesome. Kudos to Megastar.Please discus about this record in this thread

Megastar Indra 200 days special.
 Hi friends Indra celebrating 200 th day today. In Adhoni Eluru and a few other places it is running 200 th day. Indra has created a record share 3 lakhs (till now Town highest in shifting theaters) Indra has collected nearly 48 lakhs as a record with 101 days all shows housefulls. More stuff following sooin my Heartly congratulations to every fan on this happy day.
The interview continued as follows:
Q: How much satisfied you are with Indra role??
A: Faction movies are not new to industry. But for me it is a new role.
Indra role has all the expected emotions.

Q: How you are feeling to create an industry record? You have beaten
your own records again; it seems to happen many times with you, what is your
feeling about this?

A: Sports men do not look at records. they want to be a winner and
hence will look at only the destination and not any other thing. In that way  some times they will set records too. But a true sports man does not stop here and moves on. I only wanted to do full justice for my role. I might have to work more than normal for it;
hence for the moment nothing else occupies my mind.

Q: what is the news about Ramana?
A: Ramana is a nice role, where the lead character works against  corruption. I like to perform such a role.

Q: Many rumours float around the film industry that you will enter into politics and hence have chosen such a subject. After Ramana film are  you going to step in politics?

A: I am not informed about any such a thing.

  One this is confirmed Megastar going to create another history with Ramana.  Once again we will watch the Viswaroopam of Megastar.All the best to Megastar.
Stamina of Megabrothers Indra 1 crore gross on Vijayawada
 Hi fans! Movie familys are more many one have many records. But only Megafamily has a biggest record at Vijayawada.  Kushi has collected 1 crore in past. Now Indra has collected 1 crore at Vijayawada. It is very rare record. No hero till now does not have 1 crore gross at this place. But both Megabrothers has this record. This sence will prove the stamina of Megabrothers again.Megabrothers the kings of Vijayawada collections. No one can touch the records of Megabrothers.Only two movies has collected 1 crore gross in state in 2 theaters. One is Kushi and Now Indra. No one has this type of Mega record till now. Kudos to Megabrothers Kudos to Megafans.""Idi Megabrothers satta. Megafans ki kadu ilanviti records kotha"". Proud be a Megafan.
New year special:: Indra share nearly  45 crores (With proofs)
 What he is telling lies? or he trying to bluff us?
These are first questions in your mind after reading above sentence.
Yeah all know Indra collected nearly 35 crores but it is direct share.  Indra fever and good will earned nearly 10 crores it is Indirect collection. Ok we will not add that amount to direct collection but how Indra earned 10 croreds indirect?? Here are the proofs.
1: A movie canvased by their fans and producers as "That film is competition for Indra" and many sites and media created rumours like "That film has copied some scences from Indra" with this havoc that film easily gained 2 crores collection from all over andhra with curiosity.
2: After Indra Mega success another super hit film was released. But indirectly that movie encash the success of "Indranna" and image of Megastar with inserting Indranna episodes in that film.
3: After Indra Mega success till 50 days All movie related magazines sold out like hot cakes with Indra stills and trade storys and collections reports. ( In this days Every cine magazine touched highest sales peak in this year)
4: After Indra Megasuccess all Megafans in full "Swing" and movie lovers  interest increased on Megastar movies. All satellite channels encashed this. They have screened number of Megastar movies and gain lakhs for money
through advertisements. (all knows the craze of Megastar films or Megastar program at telivision)
5: Indra screened more shows in all possible places. And Indra ran with highest housefulls days at evey place.with this Canteens cycle stands black ticket sellers earned a lot of money.
6: In many places Indra screened more shows. But the distributors and exbitors did not add many shows collections and some one screened Indra movie with flat rates those collections (most of part) not added to Indra shares and those money directly deposited in Distributors and Exibitors pockets.
7: Legal authoritys and polices are totally failed to controle the Indra Vcds. With Indra Vcds lakhs of money exchnaged hands.INDRA IS RUNNING WITH DEFICTS??
  Now tell Indra direct run is only 35 crores but what about this indirect collections. No site and magazines  talking about this but i have seen some sites written Indra is running with deficts. Here is some stright questions for those people  i am sure no one has answers for this.
1: Indra collected 55 lakhs gross at Guntur in 155 days. No film has this much gross at that place.(Indra is the first film reached 50 lakhs gross at Guntur. At Vijayawada Indra is going towards 1 crore gross. Kakinada 45 lakhs gross.
previous industry records did not have this much shares ( You can add 10% rates for tickets changes also) but those movies ran 175 days. With very less share than Indra also but this media and sites are closed their eyes at that time.
2: Indra if want to drag they will drag in Nizam and Nellore area also. Remember Indra running in industry highest Jubilee centers with out having centers at Nizam and Nellore ( It is another record)
3: Indra movie lifted with good share in many centers due to some politics of distributors and exibitors. In Gudivada a previous movie ran 125 days with 16 lakhs share. In this area a group has strong political power. Then Kushi
got 18 lakhs share but they are became success lifting Kushi not reaching 125 days mark. But very suprising thing is Indra has 26 lakhs share even also Indra did not ran 125 days. (some one strongly involved in this incident. Indra is lifted at 122 days for a cheap english movie(not for new release also).( This whole incident published in a weekly political magazine)
 Who are giving this incidents details.?? Megafans loosed many centers like this no site and magazine cover this issues. But they are ready to say Indra is running deficts? ok... Indra collected 25 to 40% collections than previous industry hits then because of maintaince charges at final weeks indra will lift?? In cricket there is a rule duncan worth ..if rain will comes umpires will reduce the runs which scored least runs? with this good bowling will loose the worth. Like this some one behaving. So you please come out from narrow mind thoughts If you want to cover details pls publish all details like where Indra is lifting with good shares and some politics but dont say Indra is running with defitcts. If any one still going on that way we are always ready to condemn those fake news. Because we are ready to face any situation about  Megabrothers and we will resist all fake news with counters.Because this is not a commercial site this is fan site for fans Enjoy.
Proud be a Megafan  check out special new year message at Happy ""Mega"" new year wishes 2003
Jhony audio rights 1crore 36 lakhs??
          Famous audio company Aditya owner Umesh Gupta will always give open statements about "Mega" stamina at  audio sales. Thats why they will always ready to give fancy offers for Megastar films. Only Megastar film reached 1 crore rights till now in industry. Now Aditya company a step forward and grabbed Powestar sensational film "Jhony" audio rights with a highest bid ever in tollywood. Ace producer Allu Aravind has already sold out this film for big prices all over andhra. Now this film created waves again with higest bid of audiorights.

Some Hot details about ""Ramana""
* Ramana movie planing to make with Sharukh Khan on Bollywood.
* Oscar films producer Ravi chndran released a warning add in all news
papers "All rights are reserved   we are not sold out Ramana rights"" If any one attempt to copy Ramana story and sences they will punish under law"
* Oscar films want to make this film with Megastar and Tamil version
Ramana  director Muruga das  is making changes in this script for Megastar image.
*  In tamil director Muruga das has made a special set for Ramana
movie. After some sences they have  destroyed the set and in that set also they are shooted some sences  for this movie.
*  If Ramana movie will made with Megastar it will become another
commercial powerfull movie surely  Megafans will enjoy this  movie and movie lovers will also because this movie has a lot of scope   for performences Megastar will show his "Viswaroopam" once again no doubt in that mater.
Another Industry record of INDRA with 35 175s
               The box office stamina of Megastar is too crazy. Thats why he has beated all previous records of 50s 100s gross shares and 1st week openings and housefulls and even 175s also with only one punch. This the first time in industry a movie creating new industry records in all fields with one movie. Because in past some other heros movies has created records but one moive created 100days centers record and another movie created 175s records but Megastar did not take many chances to create records because he is the only star in industry with "Megapower" fans and amazing acting skills. Thats why he has created Industry record silver jubilees also (creating records in unseason is very tough possible only to Megastar impossible to any other star) My heartly wishes to Megafans. Indra running towards silver jubilee in ""33" direct centers. Enjoy and this is the time to celebrate Kudos to Megastar......
More news follows in soon....
 Megastar New Thumsup add inspired from Indiana Jones??
                       Hi friends I always enjoy to tell great flash news to you about Megabrothers. Now i came with another news we already know Megastar Thumsup adds. In those adds Megastar is stylish and handsome. Now those adds became older. Now they are going to shoot another add on Megastar. chiru's next thums up ad is inspired from INDIANA JONES film. the set has been put. shooting will start soon. its very similar to some scenes in ANJI. (Anji! yes that is the great news) This add will release on Jan 1 2003 as new year special. Just wait a moment to watch the great add.
Why chiru movies did not get awards??
check counter clcik this link
Counter to all anti propaganda
     Hi friends i am very pleased to ur support on our site. Day by day our site got good responce. Thats why i am seriously think about give some additional pleasure to our site visitors. So i m trying to my level best give better stuff to you in my limits. But some fans sad about some comments about megabrothers and their movies of some other sites and some anti fans. Thats why i decided to start "Counter" article from today. In that article you will find a counter to all bad propaganda aganist Megabrothers and our movies with proofs. Most interesting feature of this article is that counter is in "Telugu" so hope u enjoy it
and i wish always your support is with me. Ever same urs sreenivas Proud be a Megafan
Today counter to all anti propaganda aganist Indra check out link at
  Indra lifting with good shares also because of some Distributors    
   Hi friends. Histroy repeats on Chiru movies issue. Again our movie lifiting in many towns with good shares and gross. In past same theater managements and distributors ran some other hero movies with very low shares but they are lifting Indra. In Janagareddy gudem the theater management intersted to screen the movie till 175 days.( In past a 76 100 days movie ran 175 days here with 6,50,000 share) Indra has more than 16,00,000 share now but distributor forced on theater management and taken the print back .In west area Indra has sources to ran 5 jubilees but they are lifitng our movie with good shares.(This same distribution lifted Badri movie at 110 days on Eluru with out having deb sheet same time screen another Young hero movie 108 days with just 8 lakhs share) Fans from west felt very sad about distribution behaviour. Not only at this place in utter andhra place also fans has some clash with distributions because movie is lifting with some good shares same time they gave importance to other hero movies and helped to their movies in long running. And same time Aswani dutt not taking much care about film publicity on telivison. It is very bad behaviour of some distirbutors who earned money and fame with Megastar movies. They are lifting movie with good shares and same time in past they done help to other heros movies. So megafans must think about this issue seriously some one trying resist our success range sad thing is our distributors also helping to them.
 Megastar answer on Indra draging         
                Gudivada has one of the highest share for Indra in Krishna district. In past there is a other hero film ran 125 days here with 16 lakhs share that is became a big issue in Gudivada trade circle why because in Gudivada film history no film has that type of share. But just in 3 months that record has broken with Kushi 18 lakhs share this one became another big issue. But Megastar always has megastayle in creating records Indra collected more than 26 lakhs share here.  But from some days because of winter and some reasons Indra collections droped at Gudivada. It had deb sheet before 7 days. But as per initial collections and highest share this area has sources to ran Jubilee. But they decided to lift this movie at 122 days. (there is a other hero movie has long running here 125 days with 16 lakhs shares). So Megafans called Megastar about this issue they requested Megastar we want Jubilee run in this town. Megastar asked how is the collections they said collections are droped. Then Megastar asked they why we are run Jubilee with out collections that is not "our" tradition. Then they had asked just show at least 126 days run to became long run movie in Gudivada. But Megastar told " Manaki Long running and Highest centes ane records tho pani ledu mana nijamina satta entha varaku unte antha varake adatham inka records kavali ante maro manchi cinema teesi sadidham anthe tappa tappu margallo velithe naku naa abimanulaga meeku kooda manchidhi peru undadhu ani" Megafans are a little bit sad after that but after they felt very happy because great personality and principles of Megastar. Yes we can get records some time but how we got those it will stands in history. So hats off to Megastar for his tradition on records breaking.
 Indra Piracy C.Ds
Indra became very huge hit all are happy But Dutt and related Vijayanthi movie team failed to controle the piracy cds. They are not getting enough help from polices thats why Indra pirated c.ds are availble on every video stores. It show more affect on Indra running. In some many areas of C class centers and in Hyd rural areas Indra movie screened on local cable chanels. We are informed to Producer Aswani dutt and Vijayanthi movies the information of piracy c.ds (Many one of our Megafans club members give those information to us). But they said they are became helpless. We are not getting help from police and main thing was there is no legal actions on piracy c.ds. In U.S Indra D.V.Ds available on many shops. In U.S there is no legal help to distributors that's why they are feeling sad. In Andhra many places Indra v.c.ds sold out at rate of 100rs to 175rs. Fans are tried to resist those but we are not got help from local police. They are not taken this piracy c.ds mater seriously. Some of our fans faced a bitter experience from police one of our fan gave info to police he said " abba print bagunte choodavayya nenu kooda teesukontanu monna okadu ichadu kani print bagoledu ani" this is the reponce of police about piracy cds. Then how can we face this problem. In Some places police are caught the piracy c.ds but those are not even 10% of also actual c.ds. where we can find help? There is no saftey for producers distrbutors and especailly fans hopes from this legal actions.
Check Indra 100 days Function Special Photos on
Thx for Mr Dr Ramesh on this photos contribution
Indra Trend setter of 78 years Telugu film industry.
All records of Indra
Indra movie made with a nice budget and 72 members as star cast. From starting Indra faced high expections. In recent times there is no big hit in huge expected movies but Indra became a huge success. Many one include media and some website done a lot of propagand about Indra with many gossips.
Indra Audio sales record
Indra gained a Unbeatble record of Audio sales on very first day.
Indra audio sales touched 5 lakhs on Just first day. This is a incredible record.
and with in a week 10 lakhs audio cassets and 25 thousands cds are sold out.
till now More than 15 lakhs of cassets and more than 50 thousands of cds are sold out. This is till now INDUSTRY RECORD.Indra released in 275 theaters (highest till now ) and with 102 Dts prints. This is also an INDUSTRY RECORD Indra first week collections are amazing  Indra has collected nearly 10 crores all over on first week it is an INDUSTRY RECORD. some fans died in crowds some fans attempt to suicide if they did not get tickets. 1000 to 1500 this is black ticket rate of Indra in some places.This things showing the craze of Indra. we have not seen this type of fanisam for any movie in history.
Indra has broken previous industry records Narasimha naidu and Kushi shares just with 4 weeks share in many places. It is an INDUSTRY RECORD
Indra ran 50 days in 156 centers. Some anti elements tried hard to resist Indra with cheap tricks with playing politics (like lifting with good share and not allow to over load ) but Indra raised like a strom and celebrated 50 days in more than 150 centers it is south indian record. After 50 days In some places Indra lifted to give good strength to other centers for long running, But some one created cheap gossips like Indra is not running well. But who can stop the Rising sun with single hand Indra ran towards 100days in 120+ centers.
it is also an South Indian record. This movie running is too different all big heros movies face difficults in 12,13th weeks. But Indra running is awesome in that weeks too. Anti elements done a lot of shameless things even also Indra show his stamina on all over andhra. Not only that Indra ran 100 days with all shows Housefulls in Vijaywada Eluru Kakinada Vizag and Gazuwaka (this is also an unique Industry record)
But surprisng thing was no movie will run towards Jubilees if that movie release in 275 theaters and ran 150+ 50s and 120+ 100s but Indra is still strong and there is a possiblilty of 35-50 Jubilees as per present analysis. This is never seen before and never again.
Indra collected 30crores+ In Andhra
In U.S Indra collected more than 50 lakhs
In U.A.E Indra collected 13 lakhs on only first day
In UK Indra collected nearly 10 lakhs
In singpore and some other places also Indra collected a decent totals.
Now as per Gross Shares Indra declared No 1 in Andhra Karntka Tamilnadu U.S U.K U.A.E Singpore
This the first Telugu  movie in Histroy created stroms in all over world
In fulls 50s and 100s also Indra became no 1.
Last but not Least: In past many one did Faction storys But Indra is not a fresh faction story (Fresh storys have more chances to winning records) but with a old story Megastar shaked box office. This situaion proving his stamina at box office and who is the Lezend of tollywood. Megastar is No 1 yesterday today tommarow also. Kudos to Megastar Our heartly thanqs to Mr Aswani dutt Mr B gopal and Mr Allu Aravind and the team of Indra and Distributors and Exibitors and also my Congratulations to Every Megafan Enjoy the success .....
Check Great stuff about Indra collections records at this links
Challenge Records of Indra at Indra Records proofs
Trade storys and collections list of Indra Indra records
Other photos of Indra success Indra special
Send ur comments on Guest Book Mail if u required any type of stuff about Megabrothers for instant reply
urs Sreenivas.
Yes in Andhra and Karnatka chennai also U.S U.K Dubai Singpore many other places this type of situations all are enjoying Indra Industry hit success
Enjoy the moment of Indra.

Proud be a Megafan