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Mega blood dontation camp held yesterday at Hyd.

Yesterday at Vanastalipuram (Hyderbad) hundreds of Megafans donated blood to Chiranjeevi blood bank. Padhma sri Allu Ramalingayya attend to this event with some officials. He told Many one has crores in pocket but only Megastar started Blood bank and eye bank. He is proud with his son in law. Some other official and rural polices officers appreciated fans. Chiranjeevi charitalble trust gave blood to 35,000 people till now and eyes to more than 600 people so we can call Megastar is a biggest doctor of this world .Proud be a Megafan and you also participate in same kind of issues if you have any chance.

Megastar help to fans who injured on Indra function
 On Jan 12th a fan died on Indra function havoc and some others injured. Megastar immediately responded and told he will save them and their familys. So yesterday on behalf of Megastar Ace proudcer Naga babu went to their places and contributed money for them. And he told Fans are important to any hero Megastar love his fans as his heart. So if you will take some safty precautions this type of incidents will never hanppend. It will give pleasure to both. So please be careful when you will attend this type of functions. Many fans and Chiranjeevi charitble trust members also came along with Nagababu.


Proud be a Megafan